=== WP Sitemap Page === Contributors: funnycat Donate link: http://www.infowebmaster.fr/dons.php Tags: sitemap, generator, page list, site map, html sitemap, sitemap generator, dynamic sitemap, seo Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.9.4 Stable tag: 1.6.1 License: GPLv2 or later Add a sitemap on any of your page using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]. Improve the SEO and navigation of your website. == Description == An easy way to **add a sitemap** on one of your pages becomes reality thanks to this WordPress plugin. Just use the shortcode [wp_sitemap_page] on any of your pages. This will automatically generate a sitemap of all your pages and posts. Be carefull, this plugin do not generate an XML sitemap. It only allow you to list all your pages and posts on a single page. This is a sitemap for human not for search engines bots. = Why this plugin is useful? = Such a sitemap is useful for many reasons: * **Easy navigation** for the users. They can find easily pages or previous posts * **Improve the SEO** of a website = Current features = * Display all pages, posts and categories * Display the Custom Post Type (such as: "event", "book" …) * Display the taxonomies * Display only one kind of content using the attribute "only", like `[wp_sitemap_page only="page"]` * Easy to use * Possibility to customize the way it will be displayed through the admin panel * Possibility to exclude some pages or some Custom Post Type (CPT) * Posts and categories displayed hierarchically * Has CSS class to customize it if you want * Available in multi-languages (cf. English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Persian …). You can add your own translation if you want Want a WordPress developer? Want to add a translation? Feel free to [contact me](http://en.tonyarchambeau.com/contact.html). == Installation == 1. Unzip the plugin and upload the "wp-sitemap-page" folder to your "/wp-content/plugins/" directory 2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" administration page in WordPress 3. Create a new page where you plan to set-up your sitemap 4. Use the shortcode [wp_sitemap_page] on this page. Save the page and visualize it. That's it, your sitemap should be visible on this page. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plugin works for a huge website? = No. The sitemap is dynamically generated without using any cache. Trying to generate a huge sitemap will be very slow. = Does it generate an XML sitemap? = No. The purpose of this plugin is to generate a sitemap on one of your pages. This is simply a list of all your pages and posts. = Does it work with Custom Post Type? = Yes. It works fine with the Custom Post Type since version 1.0.4 = Is it possible to get only the pages, the posts or a Custom Post Type? = Yes, it is. You only have to use one of these shortcode: * `[wp_sitemap_page only="page"]` to display only the pages * `[wp_sitemap_page only="post"]` to display only the posts * `[wp_sitemap_page only="category"]` to display only the categories * `[wp_sitemap_page only="tag"]` to display only the tags * `[wp_sitemap_page only="archive"]` to display only the archives * `[wp_sitemap_page only="author"]` to display only the authors * You can display any kind of Custom Post Type, using the keyword of the post type inside the "only" attribute. For example: `[wp_sitemap_page only="event"]` or `[wp_sitemap_page only="book"]` = Which languages does WP Sitemap Page support? = This plugin is available through the following languages : * English (default language) * French (`fr_FR`, `fr_CA`, `fr_BE`, `fr_CH`, `fr_LU`) by [Tony Archambeau](http://tonyarchambeau.com/) * Russian (`ru_RU`) by [skesov.ru](http://skesov.ru/) * Dutch (`nl_NL`) by EvertRuisch * Farsi/Persian (`fa_IR`) by Seyyed Mostafa Ahadzadeh * Italian (`it_IT`) by Nima * Spanish (`es_ES`) by Raul * Czech (`cs_CZ`) by [Roman Opet](https://www.high-definition.cz/) * Polish (`pl_PL`) by [Mariusz](http://www.trojmiasto.us/) * Deutsch (`de_DE`) by Arno * Swedish (`sv_SE`) * Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese (`pt_BR`, `pt_PT`) by Miguel Müller * Finnish (`fi_FI`) by [pokis.fi](http://www.pokis.fi/) * Hungarian (`hu_HU`) * Hebrew (`he_IL`) by Ahrale * Bokmål (`nb_NO`) by Øystein * Romanian (`ro_RO`) * Indonesian (`id_ID`) * Japanese (`ja`) * Ukranian (`ru`) * Chinese (`zh_CN`) If you want to add another language, feel free to [contact me](http://en.tonyarchambeau.com/contact.html) in order to send the file with the correct translation files (.mo and .po). Thanks a lot! == Screenshots == 1. Example of a sitemap on a French blog 2. Settings page == Changelog == = 1.6.1 = * Nothing really new, but up-to-date = 1.6 = * Add main CSS class wrapper to add a style for the entire sitemap * Possibility to sort the posts ascendent or descendent * Add Ukranian and Chinese translations = 1.5.6 = * Oups, the last translations were not send properly. Here it is. = 1.5.5 = * Add Romanian and japanese translations * Functionality to sort the pages, post categories, authors or Custom Post Type (CPT) = 1.5.4 = * Small fix about a core WordPress update * Add Bokmål translation * Add Hebrew translation = 1.5.3 = * Add Hebrew translation = 1.5.2 = * Fix a compatibility problem with WPML (more details here : http://wpml.org/forums/topic/wp-sitemap-page/ ) = 1.5.1 = * Update the translation for the following language: French, Russian, German, Sweden, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian and Portuguese. = 1.5.0 = * Add the taxonomy * Feature to add a nofollow attribute to the page, post and custom post type links * Feature to show only the private pages = 1.4.0 = * Fix bug about the missing <ul> tags * Fix the class attribute name of some <h2> tags * Do not display the titles with the attribute display_title="false". It give the opportunity to create a sitemap in any languages of your choice * Improve the functionnality to exclude pages and posts * Possibility to exclude the content protected by password * Add some hooks to help others developers to adapt the sitemap = 1.3.0 = * Possibility to add a sitemap with any of these elements : category, tag, archive or author * Improve the back-office interface * Possibility to add a link about the plugin at the end of the sitemap * Update of the translation = 1.1.2 = * Filter only one kind of content using the shortcode with the attribute "only" * Add languages : Finnish and Hungarian = 1.1.1 = * Add languages : Deutsch, Swedish and Brazilian Portuguese = 1.1.0 = * Add archives pages on the sitemap (optional) * Add authors pages on the sitemap (optional) * Improve the security * Add polish language = 1.0.12 = * Add czech language = 1.0.11 = * Do not display duplicate entries when user are using some plugins such as WPML = 1.0.10 = * Add spanish language = 1.0.9 = * Add italian language = 1.0.8 = * Possibility to exclude all the posts, all the pages or any Custom Post Type * Add persian language = 1.0.7 = * Fix a problem with the Custom Post Type that are not hierarchical = 1.0.6 = * Add and update some translation (Russian and Dutch) * Add the Custom Post Type on the sitemap. There was an error in the 1.0.4 version = 1.0.5 = * Possibility to exclude some pages * Fix some translation bug * Add the Russian language, French (Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada) = 1.0.4 = * Fix some bug * Include the Custom Post Type on the sitemap * Possibility to customize the way the posts will be displayed = 1.0.3 = * Fix a translation error = 1.0.2 = * Fix a bug of a function that has been renamed. = 1.0.1 = * Add french translation = 1.0 = * Initial Release. == Upgrade notice == == How to uninstall WP Sitemap Page == To uninstall WP Sitemap Page, you just have to de-activate the plugin from the plugins list.